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Java Linked List

    Basic unidirectional linked list in Java.

    Gradle setup

    In gradle.build:

    apply plugin: "java" apply plugin: "eclipse" apply plugin: "idea" repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { testCompile "junit:junit:4.12" } test { testLogging { exceptionFormat = 'full' events = ["passed", "failed", "skipped"] } }

    Writing the tests

    In src/test/jav/LinkedListTest.java:

    import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import main.java.Node; public class LinkedListTest { @Test public void testGetFirst() { Node n1 = new Node(2); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); assertEquals(ll.getFirst(), n1); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(1)); } @Test public void testInsertFirst() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); assertEquals(ll.getFirst(), n2); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(2)); } @Test public void testRemoveFirst() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); ll.removeFirst(); assertEquals(ll.getFirst(), n1); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(1)); } @Test public void testClearList() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); ll.clear(); assertEquals(ll.getFirst(), null); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(0)); } @Test public void testInsertLast() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); Node n3 = new Node(10); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); ll.insertLast(n3); assertEquals(ll.getLast(), n3); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(3)); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getLast().getData()), Double.valueOf(10)); } @Test public void testRemoveLast() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); Node n3 = new Node(10); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); ll.insertLast(n3); assertEquals(ll.getLast(), n3); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(3)); ll.removeLast(); assertEquals(ll.getLast(), n1); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(2)); } @Test public void testGetAt() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); Node n3 = new Node(10); Node n4 = new Node(12); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertLast(n2); ll.insertLast(n3); ll.insertLast(n4); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(4)); assertEquals(ll.getAt(2), n3); } @Test public void testInsertAt() { Node n1 = new Node(2); Node n2 = new Node(3); Node n3 = new Node(10); Node n4 = new Node(12); LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(n1); ll.insertFirst(n2); ll.insertLast(n3); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(3)); ll.insertAt(2, n4); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(ll.getSize()), Double.valueOf(4)); assertEquals(ll.getAt(2), n4); } }

    Implementing the Linked List

    Writing the Node class

    In src/main/java/Node.java:

    package main.java; public class Node { private Integer data; private Node next; public Node(Integer data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; } public Node(Integer data, Node next) { this.data = data; this.next = next; } public void setNext(Node next) { this.next = next; } public Node getNext() { return this.next; } public void setData(Integer data) { this.data = data; } public Integer getData() { return this.data; } }

    Writing the Linked List class

    In src/main/java/LinkedList.java:

    import main.java.Node; /* @author Dennis O'Keeffe Methods: 1. insertFirst: Insert at the head of list 2. size: Fetch size 3. getFirst: Fetch the first node 4. getLast: Fetch the last node 5. clear: Remove all node 6. removeFirst: Remove head of list 7. removeLast: Remove last node 8. insertLast: Insert at end of list 9. getAt: Fetch node at index 10. removeAt: Remove node at index 11. insertAt: Insert at index 12. forEach: Iterate through list and run function on list */ class LinkedList { Integer size; Node head; public LinkedList() { this.size = 0; this.head = null; } public LinkedList(Node head) { this.size = 1; this.head = head; } public Integer getSize() { return this.size; } public Node getFirst() { return this.head; } public void insertFirst(Node n) { if (this.head != null) { Node tmp = this.head; this.head = n; n.setNext(tmp); } else { this.head = n; } this.size++; } public Node getLast() { if (this.head == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No items in the list"); } Node n = this.head; while (n.getNext() != null) { n = n.getNext(); } return n; } public void removeFirst() { if (this.head == null) { return; } else if (this.head != null && this.head.getNext() == null) { this.head = null; this.size--; } else { this.head = this.head.getNext(); this.size--; } } public void clear() { this.head = null; this.size = 0; } public void insertLast(Node n) { Node traversal = this.head; while (traversal.getNext() != null) { traversal = traversal.getNext(); } traversal.setNext(n); this.size++; } public void removeLast() { if (this.head == null) { return; } else if (this.head.getNext() == null) { this.head = null; this.size--; return; } Node n = this.head; while (n.getNext().getNext() != null) { n = n.getNext(); } n.setNext(null); this.size--; } public void insertAt(Integer i, Node n) { if (i == 0) { if (this.head != null) { Node tmp = this.head; this.head = n; n.setNext(tmp); this.size++; return; } else { this.head = n; this.size++; return; } } Integer count = 0; Node trav = this.head; while (count != i - 1) { if (trav.getNext() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("List out of bounds"); } trav = trav.getNext(); count++; } if (trav.getNext() != null) { Node tmp = trav.getNext(); trav.setNext(n); n.setNext(tmp); } else { trav.setNext(n); } this.size++; } public Node getAt(Integer i) { if (this.head == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No items in list"); } if (i == 0) { return this.head; } Node n = this.head; Integer count = 0; while (count != i) { if (n.getNext() == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No items left in list"); } n = n.getNext(); count++; } return n; } }

    Personal image

    Dennis O'Keeffe

    • Melbourne, Australia

    Hi, I am a professional Software Engineer. Formerly of Culture Amp, UsabilityHub, Present Company and NightGuru.
    I am currently working on Visibuild.


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    Java Linked List


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