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Basics On Programming Paradigms

Published: Jun 1, 2019

Last updated: Jun 1, 2019

    Procedural Program

    • The ideas that programs are a sense of functions
    • Goes from top to bottom
    • Relies heavily on global state, but any line can change the global state
    • C being a procedural language
    • "Imperative" execution
    • Easy to write, difficult to maintain
    • Prone to difficult bugs

    Object Oriented

    • Based around a Primitive: object
    • Objects have well defined interfaces
    • Localised behaviour
    • Objects control state
    • Composition
    • Code is still imperative - pro AND con! - Still telling the computer EXACTLY what to do.
    • Can be more verbose


    • Describing what you want to happen, but not telling the computer how to do it
    • Eg. SQL, Regex, HTML
    • Data is self-describing
    • As powerful as the interpreter allows
    • As limiting as the interpreter allows - You want build a game in SQL etc.


    • What we want to happen but not how
    • Little state
    • Few side effects
    • Easy to reason about
    • Composition
    • Expressive
    • Works great with OO
    • Basis in higher math
    • Cons to think differently
    • Not always the best choice
    • No loops, no control logic - Just telling it what we want to happen


    • Primitive: Observable
    • Instead of describing data in terms of other data, we describe it in terms of streams of events - From this, we create a pipeline such that we certain data changes, a lot is processed and changed - Example: spreadsheets!
    • Composition
    • Expressive
    • Data flows unidirectionally
    • Tough to think differently
    • Subscriptions help change the data

    const cellC2$ = cellA2$ .combineLatest(cellB2$) .map((cells) => cells[0] + cells[1]); cellC2$.subscribe((value) => { console.log(value); });

    Personal image

    Dennis O'Keeffe

    • Melbourne, Australia

    Hi, I am a professional Software Engineer. Formerly of Culture Amp, UsabilityHub, Present Company and NightGuru.
    I am currently working on Visibuild.


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    Basics On Programming Paradigms


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